DOOR TO DOOR (2002) - Movie Review

Door to Door 2002 Movie Review

Director: Steven Schachter
Starring: William H. Macy, Helen Mirren, Kyra Sedgwick, Kathy Baker
Genre: Biography, Drama
Writer: William H. Macy, Steven Schachter
Runtime: 90 min
Rated: PG
Buy This Movie: DVD

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Bill Porter knows he has little hope of landing a salesman job. To improve his prospects, he offers to take a sales territory nobody wants. It's nothing compared to what Bill faces every day. He has cerebral palsy. William H. Macy portrays Bill, impaired in body but not in spirit as he makes his door-to-door salesman rounds and impacts the lives of customers during a nearly 50-year career that often finds him atop his firm's sales charts. Kyra Sedgwick, Helen Mirren and Kathy Baker play women who loom large in Bill's life. And others play the shoe shiners, waitresses, suburbanites, bus drivers and more inspired by him. Door to door. Heart to heart. Bill connects with people. So does this touching movie about his extraordinary life.


The TV movie "Door to Door" is a simple, uncomplicated biopic that tells the inspirational true story of Bill Porter (William H. Macy), a man with cerebral palsy whose goal in life was to follow in his father's footsteps and become a door-to-door salesman. Due to his condition, the obstacles he needed to overcome were considerable, but with an upbeat personality, great sense of humor, a ton of patience and persistence, and a devoted mother (Helen Mirren) constantly encouraging him to aim high, he begins a successful career that spanned over 40 years.

The film skips ahead through time, following specific episodes in Bill's life between 1955 and 1997. The story doesn't just focus on his struggles to rise above the "unemployable" status he was branded with, but also the effect he had on the community, touching the lives of many of his customers.

Bill Porter is a kind, charming man, who never let life stomp him down, choosing to overcome adversity rather than accept pity or charity. William H. Macy is brilliant and lovable in the role, conveying not just Bill's physical challenges, but also his winning personality and staunch determination, and the Emmy-winning makeup is incredible, rendering Macy unrecognizable as he disappears into his character. Macy won an Emmy for his performance, and if this hadn't been a TV movie, he would have probably won an Oscar. He's that good. The movie also features great performances from Helen Mirren and Kyra Sedgwick.

Like I said at the start of this review, the movie is simple and uncomplicated, and some might say a bit lacking in the dramatic department. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. "Door to Door" is a wonderfully touching story with a profoundly positive message that is much needed in these cynical times we live in. It's one of the most heartwarming and inspirational biographical dramas you will ever see.

SCORE: 8/10
