BAT*21 (1988) - Movie Review

Bat 21 1988 Movie Review

Director: Peter Markle
Starring: Gene Hackman, Danny Glover, Jerry Reed, David Marshall Grant, Clayton Rohner
Genre: War, Drama
Writer: William C. Anderson, George Gordon
Runtime: 105 min
Rated: R
Buy This Movie: Blu-ray (Amazon), DVD (Amazon)

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Lt. Col. Iceal Hambleton (Gene Hackman) is shot down behind enemy lines during the waning days of the Vietnam War. His only connection to the outside world is through radio transmission with Capt. Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark (Danny Glover), a pilot who helps him craft an escape plan and maintain his sanity. Lacking survival skills and unfamiliar with the harsh terrain in Vietnam, Hambleton is forced to fight for his life as he witnesses the shocking horrors of war.


Based on a true story, or rather loosely inspired by one, "Bat*21" is a straightforward war drama that interweaves elements of survival thriller and action. Featuring excellent lead performances from Gene Hackman and Danny Glover the film leans less on the jingoistic side of Hollywood war films, but still smooths over some of the Vietnam War's rougher realities.

As a survival story, USAF Lieutenant Colonel Iceal E. Hambleton's close quarters experience makes for one hell of a dramatic adventure, while also offering the audience a glimpse into the horrors of war through the perspective of someone who has only ever seen the fighting from afar. While the movie has its fair share of intense war scenes and poignant drama, it's not as deeply ponderous or viscerally gritty as films like "Platoon", "Apocalypse Now", "Hamburger Hill", "Full Metal Jacket" or "The Deer Hunter".

The movie didn't glorify war at all, but the focus is in fact mostly on action/adventure. Director Peter Markle delivers some great looking set pieces and fantastic aerial stuntwork. As I mentioned before, the real-life story is heavily dramatized, and from what I've read, the actual rescue operation was far lengthier and more intense. Still, I can't say the movie lacks excitement. It's lean and effective enough to keep viewers engaged and entertained.

"Bat*21" is a taut, somewhat predictable, but thoroughly entertaining thriller that should appeal to both history lovers and action fans.

SCORE: 7/10
